Author: Christopher Hitchcock
Date: March, 30th 2021
Our web development degree was put together very well. In much depth I have spoken with coworkers and friends alike expressing “jealousy” over the content we get in our degree compared to theirs. I have been in the industry for over ten years now and came in with a fair amount of knowledge to start. I can say however that I learned A TON, but there were some stumbling stones near the end of the degree that I ran into.
Redux can be a game changer but coming through the degree we ended up in a sort of weird spot where class based React syntax was taught in some areas and classes, but functional based React syntax was also taught. With my main focus on functional based basically since hooks were released, I decided to go down this route with my Capstone course. Unbeknownst to me, nearly every resource dedicated to learning or troubleshooting Redux was for a class-based syntax. This led to a much more difficult learning curve and I would like to share some of what I learned and helped me.
- Redux hooks CAN be used with a container; however High Order Components are no longer necessary.
- Rather than using HOC, Redux intends for you to import the store action directly into the component you are intending to use.
- After you have imported your action, you will make use of the useSelector and useDispatch both imported from react-redux. We make use of them by using dispatch to run our actions, and the selector hook to pull the data we need from our store. See below
import { createItem } from
const items = useSelector(state =>
const dispatch = useDispatch()
<button onClick={() =>
Sequelize is another amazing tool but also caused me some headaches as well. Once you have made changes to it, you need to "restart" to get everything to take effect. Until you've "restarted it", it can make your life difficult. To fix this, simply undo, and re-run your migrations.
sequelize db:migrate:undo:all
Once you have run this you can simply run your migrations again. The second issue I ran into is associations or foreign keys will fail unless the parent is migrated first. I ran into this issue as well as another student and it took quite some time for me to figure out the first time. I kept thinking my syntax on an association was wrong. When I figured this out finally I caused my next issue. I was not sure the correct way to make sure the parent was migrated first before the child. I changed the number and in doing so, was no longer able to undo my migrations.
Lastly I had issues with Sequelize running in my project and this seems to be very widespread and common with many people. It typically appeared to not every pull from the node modules and I ran into other issues when I did a global install. To fix this, the solution was to path to where it was in the node modules. I did ultimately end up writing a .zshrc alias (.bashrc can be done as well) where I could simply write sequelize followed by the command. This is the pathing that gets you to sequelize if you just want to run it in your project.
./node_modules/.bin/sequelize <sequel command>
Eslint has some amazing features and helps tremendously with coding whether on a team or individually. One of the hang ups that I ran into is one of their nice features, assuming you know it is a feature. Eslint by default will use the .eslintrc
file and path up the directory structure looking for additional files. This is a really nice feature for a project that you want to only install your linter in the top level. It can be quite an issue though if you are not aware of it as it can be pathing into other projects, without dependencies installed and break due to this. This is a pretty easy fix though, by simply declaring the root of the project either in the .eslintrc
or package.json
as seen below.
"root": true
Heroku is one of the last areas that I really ran into large issues with. As far as deployment, following their instructions was pretty seamless and not having to FTP still has to be one of the best things that has happened to us in our industry. Where I ran into issues however though was once I added postgres to heroku. Some time back in 2018 Heroku decided that these would no longer be allowed without the use of a SSL. I didn't have a SSL for this, as I am sure many other students won't. After many frustrating nights, a solution was finally given. It is not a good long term solution, but did help with getting through the assignment and ultimately having a full application running. In your environment variable file for the api, add this code.
"production": {
...rest of variables
"require": true,
"rejectUnauthorized": false,
These were the main hang ups I ran into. I sincerly hope this helps even one student avoid some of the frustrating nights at times I ran into. The classes were fun and I learned more than I ever anticipated. Good luck in the future!